![Instructor Gadget](http://d1oqwsnd25kjn6.cloudfront.net/production/avatars/654825/large/Screen_Shot_2015-07-31_at_3.48.20_PM.png?1438382944)
Website: instructorgadget.com/
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Instructor Gadget
Personalize Learning from Patient Instructors
Our video tutorials, written guides and articles let you learn computer skills from the comfort of your home, office or local coffee shop.
We founded Instructor Gadget on the belief that learning how to use technology doesn’t have to be frustrating. We provide detailed instructional videos that let you build confidence in your ability to use the technology around you.
1240 min12-part Basic Computing course26 CQ
If you're new to either computers or Windows 7 and want to learn how to navigate this easy-to-use operating system, this beginner-friendly course from Instructor Gadget is for you.
with Instructor GadgetIf you're new to either computers or Windows 7 and want to learn how to navigate this easy-to-use operating system, this beginner-friendly course from Instructor Gadget is for you.