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835 min8-part Budgeting course22 CQ
In this course from financial planner Jeremy Shipp, gain useful, candid advice regarding planning ahead for your retirement, addressing issues like income, insurance, inheritance taxes, and more.
with Jeremy ShippIn this course from financial planner Jeremy Shipp, gain useful, candid advice regarding planning ahead for your retirement, addressing issues like income, insurance, inheritance taxes, and more.
423 min4-part Retirement course14 CQ
In this course with media trainer and public speaking expert TJ Walker, you'll learn how to deliver a retirement speech with confidence by becoming a rehearsed yet natural storyteller.
with TJ WalkerIn this course with media trainer and public speaking expert TJ Walker, you'll learn how to deliver a retirement speech with confidence by becoming a rehearsed yet natural storyteller.
723 minFREE7-part Budgeting courseFree16 CQ
Planning for retirement is easier when you know the language of investing! In this brief course for beginners, learn investing terms and concepts that you can use to create financial independence.
with Wealth AcademyPlanning for retirement is easier when you know the language of investing! In this brief course for beginners, learn investing terms and concepts that you can use to create financial independence.
4 minFREERetirement Worldly CurioFree3 CQ
Germany is shutting down the last of its underground coal mines next year, and the the way it's handling the end of this once-dominant industry could be a mo...
with PRI's The WorldGermany is shutting down the last of its underground coal mines next year, and the the way it's handling the end of this once-dominant industry could be a mo...
4 minFREERetirement Worldly CurioFree3 CQ
This past summer, an iconic Haitian band called it quits. Carimi wasn't just another pop group, though. It was Haiti's original boy band.
with PRI's The WorldThis past summer, an iconic Haitian band called it quits. Carimi wasn't just another pop group, though. It was Haiti's original boy band.
1 minFREEBudgeting lessonFree1 CQ
A survey reveals that young adults are already planning for their golden years.
with MarketplaceA survey reveals that young adults are already planning for their golden years.
1 minFREERetirement lessonFree1 CQ
A growing number of seniors, and not enough workers, has put stress on pensions.
with MarketplaceA growing number of seniors, and not enough workers, has put stress on pensions.
1 minFREERetirement lessonFree1 CQ
The nation's largest public pension fund posted a gain far below expectations.
with MarketplaceThe nation's largest public pension fund posted a gain far below expectations.
1 minFREEBudgeting lessonFree1 CQ
In 2001, the return was just over 12 percent. This year it could be 7.5 percent.
with MarketplaceIn 2001, the return was just over 12 percent. This year it could be 7.5 percent.
2 minFREEPolitical Science lessonFree2 CQ
Connecticut and Maryland are the latest to pass bills creating their own investment tools
with MarketplaceConnecticut and Maryland are the latest to pass bills creating their own investment tools
1 minFREEBudgeting lessonFree1 CQ
A new study from Bankrate.com says we're not saving nearly enough.
with MarketplaceA new study from Bankrate.com says we're not saving nearly enough.
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26150 min26-part Microsoft Office course89 CQ
Discover some of Microsoft Excel's most handy formulas, shortcuts, and add-ins in this course. From sorting through data, to using a solver to optimize values, increase your Excel productivity today.
Discover some of Microsoft Excel's most handy formulas, shortcuts, and add-ins in this course. From sorting through data, to using a solver to optimize values, increase your Excel productivity today.
11110 min11-part Blogging course61 CQ
WordPress makes it easy than ever to start a blog! In this course, the blogger behind Five Euro Food explains how to launch a WordPress blog and offers tips for maintaining and monetizing a blog.
with Five Euro FoodWordPress makes it easy than ever to start a blog! In this course, the blogger behind Five Euro Food explains how to launch a WordPress blog and offers tips for maintaining and monetizing a blog.
22187 min22-part Career Growth course104 CQ
Ready to jump start your job search? In this course, learn how to write and speak business professional English, fine tune your resume, and get some priceless tips on navigating the interview process.
with Business English HQReady to jump start your job search? In this course, learn how to write and speak business professional English, fine tune your resume, and get some priceless tips on navigating the interview process.
534 min5-part Entrepreneurship course20 CQ
Media presentation expert TJ Walker walks through each specific step for crafting and delivering the perfect pitch presentation to captivate your prospects and turn your proposal into reality.
with TJ WalkerMedia presentation expert TJ Walker walks through each specific step for crafting and delivering the perfect pitch presentation to captivate your prospects and turn your proposal into reality.
415 min4-part Finance course10 CQ
Starting a business can be intimidating. This course from business advice expert Mark J. Kohler offers the ABCs for small business owners, from DBAs to LLCs and protecting your assets.
with Mark J. KohlerStarting a business can be intimidating. This course from business advice expert Mark J. Kohler offers the ABCs for small business owners, from DBAs to LLCs and protecting your assets.
734 min7-part Negotiating course21 CQ
Asking for a raise is intimidating, but TJ Walker's preparation strategy increases the odds of success! Follow the steps outlined in this course to prepare the strongest possible case for a raise.
with TJ WalkerAsking for a raise is intimidating, but TJ Walker's preparation strategy increases the odds of success! Follow the steps outlined in this course to prepare the strongest possible case for a raise.
10109 min10-part Management course59 CQ
Are you job searching or going through a career transition? Career management consultant Ellis Chase walks you through some surprising search strategies for a successful job transition.
Are you job searching or going through a career transition? Career management consultant Ellis Chase walks you through some surprising search strategies for a successful job transition.
4 minFREENegotiating Business CurioFree3 CQ
Jeff Weiss, an expert in conflict management, has some advice for the president.
with MarketplaceJeff Weiss, an expert in conflict management, has some advice for the president.
14 minFREENegotiating lessonFree8 CQ
Co-author of Getting (More of) What You Want, award winning researcher and management professor Margaret Neale admits she doesn’t always take her own advice.
Co-author of Getting (More of) What You Want, award winning researcher and management professor Margaret Neale admits she doesn’t always take her own advice.
13 minFREENegotiating lessonFree7 CQ
When two people are trying to make a deal — whether they’re competing or cooperating — what’s really going on inside their brains?
with Colin CamererWhen two people are trying to make a deal — whether they’re competing or cooperating — what’s really going on inside their brains?