With over 25 years in the building/construction industry, I've seen it all. Pretty much. Ok, sometimes I still come across something so cringe-worthy that something must be done about it. Thus, Teach2Build. Watch a video, so I won't cringe when I swing by your house for BBQ...
1278 min12-part DIY course45 CQ
Is your home's electric water heater giving you trouble? Whether the unit is leaking, or the water temperature is off, this course from Teach2Build can help you diagnose and fix the issue at hand.
with Teach2BuildIs your home's electric water heater giving you trouble? Whether the unit is leaking, or the water temperature is off, this course from Teach2Build can help you diagnose and fix the issue at hand.
1391 min13-part DIY course52 CQ
Is your gas water heater leaking or giving you trouble? With this course from Teach2Build, discover how to diagnose and repair your water heater and replace any malfunctioning components.
with Teach2BuildIs your gas water heater leaking or giving you trouble? With this course from Teach2Build, discover how to diagnose and repair your water heater and replace any malfunctioning components.
967 min9-part DIY course39 CQ
In this course, Teach2Build walks you through safe and efficient installations for common home improvement projects, including replacing light fixtures, light switches, and electrical outlets.
with Teach2BuildIn this course, Teach2Build walks you through safe and efficient installations for common home improvement projects, including replacing light fixtures, light switches, and electrical outlets.
11107 min11-part DIY course58 CQ
This course from Teach2Build walks through the different tools needed for DIY home plumbing repairs, as well as information about the various types of pipes, and even how to solder.
with Teach2BuildThis course from Teach2Build walks through the different tools needed for DIY home plumbing repairs, as well as information about the various types of pipes, and even how to solder.
870 min8-part DIY course40 CQ
Doing your own plumbing repairs is a rewarding and inexpensive alternative to hiring a professional plumber. Learn how to fix shower and tub faucets, kitchen sink drains, and more in this course.
with Teach2BuildDoing your own plumbing repairs is a rewarding and inexpensive alternative to hiring a professional plumber. Learn how to fix shower and tub faucets, kitchen sink drains, and more in this course.
1077 min10-part DIY course43 CQ
In this course, learn about essential safety measures to prevent injury, then review how to perform a variety of DIY repairs, from replacing damaged shingles to patching up that hole in your drywall.
with Teach2BuildIn this course, learn about essential safety measures to prevent injury, then review how to perform a variety of DIY repairs, from replacing damaged shingles to patching up that hole in your drywall.
15102 min15-part DIY course60 CQ
Maintaining a home is not easy. Among the most intimidating home repair tasks are related to plumbing and toilets. Fear not! Eric from Teach2Build is here to review the DIY essentials!
with Teach2BuildMaintaining a home is not easy. Among the most intimidating home repair tasks are related to plumbing and toilets. Fear not! Eric from Teach2Build is here to review the DIY essentials!
1386 min13-part DIY course50 CQ
In this home improvement course, learn how to fix clogged or leaky water supply lines, valves, drains, and spigots, and review all of the tools and expert techniques you need to replace your plumber.
with Teach2BuildIn this home improvement course, learn how to fix clogged or leaky water supply lines, valves, drains, and spigots, and review all of the tools and expert techniques you need to replace your plumber.
974 min9-part DIY course41 CQ
Performing your own minor home electrical repairs is easier than you'd think! Discover how to replace your garbage disposal, outdated ceiling fan, bathroom vent fan, and smoke alarm.
with Teach2BuildPerforming your own minor home electrical repairs is easier than you'd think! Discover how to replace your garbage disposal, outdated ceiling fan, bathroom vent fan, and smoke alarm.
1062 min10-part DIY course36 CQ
Plumbing expert Eric from Teach2Build guides you through all of the plumbing tools and DIY skills necessary to fix leaky faucets and install new ones in your kitchen and bathroom.
with Teach2BuildPlumbing expert Eric from Teach2Build guides you through all of the plumbing tools and DIY skills necessary to fix leaky faucets and install new ones in your kitchen and bathroom.
Other Lessons by Teach2Build
Teach2Build's Enrolled Lessons
7 minFREEGuitar lessonFree4 CQ
In this lesson, guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking presents guitar picking tips and demonstrates exercises for mastering alternate picking techniques.
with Tone VikingIn this lesson, guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking presents guitar picking tips and demonstrates exercises for mastering alternate picking techniques.
6 minGuitar lesson4 CQ
In this lesson, professional guitarist and teacher Tone Viking demonstrates several strumming practice patterns to reinforce accurate rhythm and playing.
with Tone VikingIn this lesson, professional guitarist and teacher Tone Viking demonstrates several strumming practice patterns to reinforce accurate rhythm and playing.
4 minGuitar lesson3 CQ
In this lesson, musician and guitar teacher Tone Viking demonstrates how to play natural harmonics and also explains the musical notes created.
with Tone VikingIn this lesson, musician and guitar teacher Tone Viking demonstrates how to play natural harmonics and also explains the musical notes created.
4 minGuitar lesson3 CQ
In this lesson, music teacher and guitarist Tone Viking demonstrates the best practice for accurately tuning each string on a guitar, an often overlooked skill.
with Tone VikingIn this lesson, music teacher and guitarist Tone Viking demonstrates the best practice for accurately tuning each string on a guitar, an often overlooked skill.
4 minGuitar lesson3 CQ
In this lesson, guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking explains the premise behind fingerstyle plucking, demonstrating the free stroke and rest stroke.
with Tone VikingIn this lesson, guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking explains the premise behind fingerstyle plucking, demonstrating the free stroke and rest stroke.
4 minGuitar lesson3 CQ
In this lesson, music teacher and guitarist Tone Viking introduces using the thumb in fingerstyle, and shares different patterns for practicing arpeggios.
with Tone VikingIn this lesson, music teacher and guitarist Tone Viking introduces using the thumb in fingerstyle, and shares different patterns for practicing arpeggios.
6 minGuitar lesson4 CQ
In this lesson, musician and guitar teacher Tone Viking explains the basics of performing a string bend, demonstrating how to consistently bend in tune.
with Tone VikingIn this lesson, musician and guitar teacher Tone Viking explains the basics of performing a string bend, demonstrating how to consistently bend in tune.
5 minGuitar lesson3 CQ
In this lesson, guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking introduces the basic concepts behind sweep picking, and explains its use on triads and runs.
with Tone VikingIn this lesson, guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking introduces the basic concepts behind sweep picking, and explains its use on triads and runs.
12 minGuitar lesson7 CQ
In this lesson, guitar teacher and musician Tone VIking explains basic sweep patterns and demonstrates how to use them in three different tempos.
with Tone VikingIn this lesson, guitar teacher and musician Tone VIking explains basic sweep patterns and demonstrates how to use them in three different tempos.
7 minGuitar lesson4 CQ
In this lesson, guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking demonstrates different 3-string sweep picking patterns for playing triads up and down the scale.
with Tone VikingIn this lesson, guitarist and music teacher Tone Viking demonstrates different 3-string sweep picking patterns for playing triads up and down the scale.