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The Pathfinder School

Dave Canterbury, a US Army Veteran, is a self-employed hunting guide and survival instructor. Dave has posted over 600 Self Reliance-themed instructional videos on the web and is the author of "The Pathfinder System: A Common Man's Guide to Survivability". He is the owner of the Pathfinder Training School in SE Ohio. His methodology for survival is based on what he coins the 5C’s of Survivability; these are the 5 items that have been used cross culturally from ancient times to affect Survival. David has written a book called “Survivability for the Common Man” and is a published writer with articles appearing in Self Reliance Illustrated; he is currently also writing for American Frontiersman and New Pioneer Magazines. Dave is an adjunct faculty member of Frontier Christian University for the Wilderness Self Reliance Certificate Program.

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